Sunday, November 27, 2011

Disney World 2011

We took a trip to Disney World this November. Scott's parents flew in from Arizona to meet us there and help with the kids (vacationing with extra adults is the best)! It was the week before Thanksgiving, so it wasn't too busy and the weather was gorgeous! All the parks were decorated for Christmas and had Christmas music playing in the speakers everywhere. We went to all of the 4 Disney parks, Sea World, and Universal Studios. There was so much to do that we were at each park from 9am to 7pm. My girls are getting older, so they weren't as excited about Disney as they were the bigger rides at the other parks, but we had an awesome time! We took about 225 pictures, but I am just going to post the best ones...

This is my favorite photo. Grace just knocked Scott's hat off and is pulling Kylie's hair. There were quite a few moments like this one on our trip.


  1. Wowza! I don't know how you do it all, you guys are hard core. It looks like you had a fabulous time and didn't miss a thing.

  2. Looks like SOOOOO much fun! I swear we used to have that troll with the long nose...didn't we?
